
Dance meets politics – impulses for a society in motion
Dance is as diverse as life itself. Madeline Ritter, founder of the non-profit cultural organization Bureau Ritter, meets every week with experts from the fields of politics, dance and cultural sponsorship. Together they discuss the future of dance: How can we best support dance professionals? What structures are needed for dance to become more deeply anchored in our society? How can politicians specifically push forward this development? Why is dance funding so important, especially right now?
Look forward to inspiring conversations about dance with our guests:
Helge Lindh (SPD, MdB)
Thusnelda Mercy (Head of Tanz Station – Barmer Bahnhof)
Erhard Grundl (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, MdB)
Anikó Glogowski-Merten (FDP, MdB)
Sophia Neises (Performer, Choreographer)
Antje Pfundtner (Choreographer)
Sabrina Sadowska (Ballet director at the Chemnitz theaters)
Christiane Schenderlein (CDU, MdB)
Karin Heyl (Board of Trustees Crespo Foundation)
Asta Vrečko (Slovenian Minister of Culture)