Funding programmes overview

Funding programmes overview

  • Circus Dance Festival ©Franziska Schardt


    With TANZPAKT RECONNECT, Bureau Ritter is supporting the recovery and empowerment of the professional dance sector in Germany and any infrastructure and institutions that have been affected by the coronavirus crisis. The rescue package seeks to create a framework for fostering artistic excellence and guaranteeing long-term planning capabilities.

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  • fabrik moves, Festival explore dance 3 ©Angelique Preau

    TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund

    TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund is a joint initiative of local authorities, federal states and the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media. It aims to promote excellence by providing support for artistic activities and structural investment in the German dance sector. The multi-year funding programme is open to artists, ensembles, production structures and networks. Bureau Ritter is responsible for the conception, organisation and implementation of TANZPAKT as well as for advising the funded projects.


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  • Übermorgen

    The many concurrent crises of our time mean that cultural institutions in Germany’s major cities are facing multiple challenges that require them to address complex cultural and political issues of the future. The federal pilot programme “Übermorgen – Neue Modelle für Kulturinstitutionen” invites cultural organisations and municipalities to confront these challenges and create space for vital innovation, resisting the impulse to fall back on familiar solutions.

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  • Next Steps

    Funded by the Crespo Foundation, Bureau Ritter is implementing the Next Steps programme from 2024 to 2026. It supports Hessian dance professionals on their way through all phases of their artistic career. The funding programme reflects the importance of dance as an art form and acknowledges the specific challenges it faces. It does so by addressing dance artists directly and offering them meaningful, long-term support.

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    Following the success of the funding programme INS FREIE! (OUTDOORS!) in 2021, the Hessian Ministry for Science and the Arts (HMWK) is once again supporting artists and cultural professionals who offer Covid-safe open-air events in the summer of 2022. Bureau Ritter was commissioned by the HMWK to develop and implement the digital application process for INS FREIE! because of our track record of delivering impactful funding initiatives.

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