+++ Application until 31 January 2025 +++
Bureau Ritter is an international non-profit organisation that develops innovative cultural policy strategies and sustainable funding programmes in the arts, culture and education.
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Übermorgen – Neue Modelle für Kulturinstitutionen
Cultural institutions in major German cities have until 15 March 2025 to submit their applications for the federal funding programme “Übermorgen – Neue Modelle für Kulturinstitutionen” .
The aim of the programme is to redefine the role of cultural institutions in a changing society and develop innovative ideas for fundamental change.
With funding of €50,000, supplemented by advisory services, networking opportunities and inspirational trips to European flagship projects, cultural institutions are empowered to shape their visions for the future.
Important dates:
Start of application: 3 December 2024
Application deadline: 14 March 2025, 8 pm
Next information events: 14 February 2025, 11am-12pm and 05 March 2025, 3-4 pm (both dates online)
The application portal and the participation link for the information events can be found on the programme website: www.uebermorgen-programm.de
“Übermorgen – Neue Modelle für Kulturinstitutionen” is an initiative by the German Federal Cultural Foundation. It is delivered in collaboration with Bureau Ritter as the executive partner. The German Federal Cultural Foundation is funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.
Day of action “Dance creates cohesion”
On 13 September, a broad alliance of professionals from the dance and culture sector gathered in front of the Brandenburg Gate for the “Aktionstag Tanz”. With lectures, talks and performances, they showed how diverse our dance scene is and how important it is to network and generate new funding.
The day of action culminated in a large dance rally for an increase in cultural and arts funding and for artists, ensembles and venues to receive more political support. #TogetherWeDance!
We organised the event at the Brandenburg Gate together with the Dachverband Tanz Deutschland and JOINT ADVENTURES / NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ.
Dance is as diverse as life itself. Madeline Ritter, founder of the non-profit cultural organization Bureau Ritter, meets every week with experts from the fields of politics, dance and cultural sponsorship. Together they discuss the future of dance: How can we best support dance professionals? What structures are needed for dance to become more deeply anchored in our society? How can politicians specifically push forward this development? Why is dance funding so important, especially right now?
Further funding for Dance On
Madeline Ritter, Artistic Director and CEO of Bureau Ritter, states: “We all together will Dance On!”. We will campaign tirelessly for further funding – out of the deepest conviction and joy in dancing.
Click here for the video!
5.625 million euro in funding for dance
With the 2024 budget resolution, the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (BKM) is providing funds of 5.625 million euros for the continuation of the TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund funding program. This continues the joint initiative of municipalities, federal states and the BKM for the sustainable artistic and structural strengthening of dance as an art form in Germany. There will be two rounds of calls for proposals in the 2025–2030 funding period.
All information on the application process and advisory services is available at www.tanzpakt.de.
Launched in 2017, the match-funding program is considered an exemplary funding model for successful cultural federalism in all artistic disciplines. Developed in close coordination between the federal, state and local authorities, TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund enables long-term collaborations and innovative development concepts that benefit dance professionals throughout Germany, as the current evaluation shows.
The program is aimed at artists, ensembles, production structures and networks. In addition to multi-year funding for new projects, projects from previous funding rounds are also given the opportunity to apply for further development of their concepts. A nationwide information event on the continuation of TANZPAKT is planned for early 2025.